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Let's Create Magic.

One of my favorite quotes is that we invest our money in things we find value in. If you're here, I know that you see the value in photos. I know that you realize memories and moments are more than just something to share to social media. 


Photos are so much more than a click of a camera. Professional photos are creating and capturing beautiful moments. Those moments, captured through my lens become memories. Memories that don't just last a few days or weeks, but a lifetime. Heck, many lifetimes. They are without a doubt one of the best investments (emotionally) that you can make.



So many say: But, I'm awkward in front of the camera...

I get that being in front of the camera can be hard. Not everyone feels like those people who look so natural and effortless in their photos. But my job is to make you look and feel effortless. My job is to take away all the stress and awkwardness and allow you to shine. I will tell you when something looks off. I will tell you where to put your hands. I will tell you if you're giving me a fake smile and make you laugh for that real one.  


I also often hear people say, well when I look xyzzy I will get them done. I'm also here to say stop. Right now, stop. You are perfect exactly as you are and you will be happy you took these photos. We hear that babies don't keep and it's true, but neither do we. Every photo I jump in with my family, even if not showered and a total mess, I am glad to have. Because yes, I want photos of my babies, but I also want them to have photos of their mom.


If you're still on the edge, reach out. Let's chat! When you get your album back, you'll certainly be glad you did.

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