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Hi there,

             If you haven't guessed it, I'm Jess. The face behind the camera and all the social media pages. I bought a camera to capture beautiful photographs of my family and managed to fall in love with photographing everyone else's too.

             I believe that photographs are the most valuable item we can ever spend money on. They are one of the few things that instead of losing value with time, they become even more valuable. They are memories frozen in time. Memories of the people and places we love most. They are worth every penny spent.

             I also know that photo sessions aren't cheap. I know that it is just another added expense. But I also know that I was the first time mom with nothing but selfies. The only photos I have of those first few months of us together are ones I took. I don't ever get a redo. I don't ever get to have more proof of mom photos. But I sure wish I did. I wish I had budgeted and just spent the money. I wish someone explained to me how much I would want those photos. So now I make it is my mission to ensure that there are always proof of mom photos for so so so many others.

Get to Know Me.

        If you don't know me personally, then you might not know that I am an extreme extrovert. I am loud and crazy, but you won't catch me apologizing for it. I love people. I love making people laugh and connecting with them. Being the middle of five kids will do that to you. I take pride in my ability to make people comfortable both in front of the camera and just around.

        I'm a wife to my best friend of over thirteen years and a mom to three (soon to be four) tiny humans. I'm a labor nurse by trade, but being a mom is the most incredible job I will ever have. The days aren't always easy, but it is so so so worth it. 

         I speak fluent Spanish. I lived in Ecuador in high school. I'm a coffee snob and a cup of joe just won't do. I swear an espresso machine was the best parent gift we ever bought ourselves. â€‹






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